Senja dan Dirinya
Senja mulai berganti malam
hiruk pikuk suara memenuhi semua penjuru ruangan
aku melihat seseorang terdiam memandangku
duduk dengan tenang di pinggir ruangan
hanya senyum kecil yang terlukis di wajahnya
terlihat sesuatu harapan terpancar di wajahnya saat kusapa dirinya
sudah sekian lama aku tak bertatap muka sejak kelulusan itu
namun dirinya tetap sama, dia baik bahkan lebih baik
tak banyak yang kusampaikan
semoga harapan dan doa itu diijabah dengan pemberian yang terbaik dari-Nya.
Hanya hitungan menit aku mendengar satu dua kata yang terucap darinya
tidak banyak, namun sangatlah berarti untukku
tak sedikit pengorbanan yang dia lakukan
ku tahu semuanya itu berawal dari sebuah keyakinan hati
Ragam Dunia
Selamat datang ! Blog ini berisi tentang dunia pendidikan, dunia farmasi,dunia matematika, dunia kepenulisan karya ilmiah serta warna warni kehidupan yang nyentrik.
Senin, 23 April 2018
Jumat, 20 April 2018
Contoh Soal Tes Cermat Farmasi Persiapan Olimpiade Farmasi (Farmakologi)
Soal-soal persiapan olimpiade farmasi sub materi farmakologi
1. Kadar kolesterol normal sesorang
berkisar antara ….. 150-240 mg/dL
2. Seseorang beresiko tinggi terjangkit
penyakit jantung coroner apabila kadar HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) berkisar
di angka …. <35
3. Obat yang dipergunakan sebagai antihiperlipidemia
yang bekerja dengan cara menghambat oksidasi kolesterol, sehingga terjadi
penguraian LDL-kolesterol yang teroksidasi oleh makrofag adalah … probukol
Kombinasi obat hiperlipidemia yang
efektif untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan VLDL plasma adalah …niasin dan
resin pengikat empedu (kolesteramin)
Obat pencahar yang bekerja sebagai zat
pelican atau pelunak tinja adalah… paraffin cair, suppositoria dengan gliserin,
klisma dengan larutan sabun
Garam inggris merupakan salah satu obat
pencahar yang bekerja dengan cara …. Menahan cairan dalam usus secara osmosis
Obat pencahar yang bekerja dengan cara
merangsang dinding usus besar adalah … glikosida antrakinon
Macam-macam penggunaan obat antasida
terdiri dari beberapa macam, 5 diantaranya adalah … tukak lambung, repluk
oesophagitis ringan, gastritis, rasa terbakar pada ulu hati, sakit perut, asam
lambung berlebih, saluran cerna.
Mylanta dan polycrol merupakan contoh
obat antasida yang bekerja sebagai … antihiperasiditas
Obat analgetik narkotik yang termasuk
golongan derivate semi sintetis adalah …heroin
Contoh obat analgetik narkotik yang
termasuk golongan antagonis morfin adalah … nalorfin, nalokson dan pentazolon
Analgetik yang digunakan sebagai
pramedikasi dalam pembedahan karena dapat memperkuat anestesi umum adalah …
fentanyl dan alfentanil
Obat golongan AINS yang mempunyai efek
antiradang terkuat dan efek sampingnya kurang keras dibandingkan piroxicam dan
indometasin adalah …diklofenak
Obat analgetik yang memiliki khasiat
antiflogistik lebih kuat dari pada analgetiknya adalah … fenilbutazon
Contoh obat emetika yang termasuk
golongan anti histamin adalah … sinarizin, dimenhidrinat, prometazin teoklat.
Motilum dan vometa merupakan contoh obat
emetika yang termasuk pada golongan … dopamine bloker
Obat emetika yang bekerja dengan cara
merintangi reseptor dopamine ke CTZ tetap tidak efektif untuk motion sickness
adalah obat emetika golongan… antihistamin
Antihistamin digunakan sebagai obat
emetika namun kurang efektif karena memberikan efek samping berupa …mengantuk
Hipertensi yang tidak jelas penyebabnya
disebut hipertensi ….essesnsial atau primer
Faktor-faktor yang menyebakan hipertensi
diantaranya adalah …
Obat cacing yang bekerja dengan blockade
respon otot cacing terhadap asetilkolin-paralisis adalah …
Pengobatan cacing kremi dan cacing
tambang dapat menggunakan obat … pirantel pamoat.
Senin, 06 November 2017
Contoh Soal Tes Cerdas Cermat Farmasi Farmakologi dan Jawabannya
1. Perjalanan obat mulai dari saat pemberiannya, absorpsi dari usus, distribusi ke tempat kerjanya, metabolisme hingga proses ekskresi dari obat merupakan prinsip dari Farmakokinetika
2. Pemberian obat melalui rektal dimaksudkan agar memperoleh efek secara sistemik
3. Antibiotika yang berkhasiat sebagai anti TBC Streptomicin dan Rifampicin
4. Efek samping Kloramfenikol anemia aplastis
5. Golongan obat antibiotika yang mempunyai efek samping kerusakan pada sel-sel darah yang berupa agranulositosis, anemia aplastis dan hemolitik adalah sulfonamida
6. Asam mefenamat adalah termasuk analgetik perifer golongan antranilat
7. Obat yang sering dikombinasikan dengan antasida yang bersifat sedativ adalah klordiazepoksida
8. Salah satu contoh obat antasida yang bekerja sebagai anti heperasiditas adalah hidrotalsit (Al(OH)3; MgCo3, Mg trisilikat)
9. Antasida dengan mekanisme kerja perintang reseptor H2 adalah Ranitidin dan simetidin, famotidine dan nizatidin
10. Terapi farmakologi tahap pertama pada penderita hipertensi dapat menggunakan obat-obat dari golongan diuretika tiazida atau beta bloker
11. Obat anti diare yang memiliki mekanisme kerja menyerap/mengadsoprsi adalah carbo adsorben
12. Tannin merupakan
salah satu obat diare yang bekerja melalui mekanisme menciutkan selaput usus atau adstringen13. Yang termasuk antidiabetik oral kelompok biguanida yang digunakan untuk penderita yang alergi terhadap golongan sulfonilarea adalah metformin
14. Salah satu efek samping dari penggunaan pil KB yang mengandung hormone estrogen adalah hipertensi
15. Mencium bau yang tidak menyenangkan dapat menimbulkan muntah. Terjadinya emesis ini melalui mekanisme rangsangan melalui kulit korteks
16. Jenis hipertensi yang disebabkan penyakit ginjal disebut hipertensi renal
17. Obat hipertensi yang bekerja dengan menekan sistem adrenergik perifer adalah propanolol
18. Pengobatan asma dan bronchitis pada terapi serangan akut dapat menggunakan salbutamol yang diberikan dengan cara inhalasi
19. Contoh obat sistem pernafasan yang bekerja sebagai kortikosteroida adalah hidrokortison, prednisone, dexametason, betametason
20. Obat batuk yang bekerja dengan cara memperbanyak produksi dahak adalah KI, NH4I, Kreosot, Guaiakol, Ipeka dan minyak atsiri.
Selasa, 05 September 2017
The Resolution of Quality Teachers Problem in Indonesia Seen From Various Points of View in Many Countries of the World.
The Poor Quality Problem of Teachers
In Indonesia
Poor quality of teachers can be described with the
feasibility of a teacher teaching. Currently, teachers in Indonesia lack
adequate and lack in diversity and competence of science teaching. Many
teachers especially for schools in remote corners are in the “wrong rooms",
which is not appropriate between the studied science subjects taught (Prof. Dr.
Mastuhu, 2003). The following is a table that shows the feasibility of teacher
teaching in “wrong room”.
not appropriate
Source: Balitbang-Diknas
Low teacher quality are reflected from the professional
attitude of a teacher. Professional attitude can be demonstrated through the
level of dedication and commitment, work long hours and are open to student
issues, welcoming in the service of students and shows example that should be
emulated by the students (Dr. Marselus r. P, 2011). However, things turned
around going on in Indonesia. Teachers in Indonesia often do not show the
attitude of dedication and commitment. As a result the basic principle of a teacher
is no longer making the students as the subject education.
Poor quality of these teachers have an impact on student
learning activities. Because many teachers who do not yet meet the minimal
qualification of education, then learning towards student assessed not so good
anyway. Moreover, with the development of the curriculum of 2013, teachers
prosecuted for has a pedagogic and professional competence. If the teachers
keep using the old way, that is, the method of teaching is lectures, then tend
to broke the creativity of the students to think. It is contrary to the purpose
of national education Indonesia who want to develop the potential and talents
of students supported by the creativity of the students themselves
The Solution of Poor Quality Problem
of Teachers in Indonesia from Various Points of View in The World
Spotlight low teacher quality has been the subject of
discussion for a long time. A variety of alternative settlement was done by the
nation of Indonesia. One of them is the existence of rules governing minimum
education requirement if you want to become a teacher. It is already contained
in Government Regulation (PP) No. 19/2005 about national education standards.
In addition, in section 28 of PP, also requires a teacher must meet minimum
competence as an agent of learning on the level of early childhood education,
elementary, and secondary schools.
Another way that the government has done is organize teacher
competency test (in Indonesia called UKG). Such an explanation at the
beginning, the teacher must have the four principal competencies i.e.
personality competence, professional competence, pedagogic competence and
social competence. The results of the analysis will be on UKG as material for
the evaluation of teacher quality that's worth teaching. If the teacher still
has yet to pass the test the competency of teachers then need evaluation and
improvement of the quality of the teachers themselves.
Other forms of teacher competency test is a certified teacher.
Article 1 grain (11), law of teachers and lecturer stated that certification is
the process of certification of educators to teachers and professors. Marselus
(2011) convey the purpose of certification, including:
1. Determine
the eligibility of teachers in carrying out duties as agents of learning in
order to realize the goals of national education. The expectation with the
certification of teachers, teacher quality also
improved so that the quality of education in Indonesia for the better.
2. Improve
the quality of the process and outcomes of education..
3. Increase
the dignity of teachers.
4. Enhance
the professionalism of teachers.
In addition to the completion of the solution from Indonesia
itself, we can follow how the countries in the world in terms of improving the
quality of teachers. This is a strategy that is carried out in several
countries in the world in improve teacher quality
Lesson study is a model of the coaching profession of
educators through the study of collaborative learning and sustainable based on
the principles of mutual learning to build a learning community (Juwairiah,
1999). Lesson study is a program to improve the quality of learning style
assessed Japan becomes the key to success in Japan to improve the quality of
education. Lesson study can be used as alternative in solving the problems of
the professionalism of teachers especially those pertaining to the role and
function of teachers in implementing the learning (Siddik, 2016)
Lesson study as a strategy in improving the professionalism
of teachers by teachers, which of course is the movement of teachers to make it
happen. Juwairiah stated that the Lesson study has been developing in Japan
since the early nineteen hundreds. Through the activities of teachers in Japan
examines the learning through joint planning and observation aimed at
motivating students actively learn independently. Lesson study is a direct
translation from the language of Japan. Jugyokenkyu which is derived from two
words that jugyo means lesson or learning and kenkyu means study or research or
study. Thus the lesson study is study or research or assessment against learning.
Lesson Study consist of Preparation, Actual
Class, and Class Review Session. Preparation :
Process of transforming planned curriculum into a curriculum that can be
implemented in the classroom.
Actual Class : A class is taught based on the teaching plan devised.
Class Review: Observation by other teacher, supervisor, university
instructor, etc.
quality certainly can increase with the presence of Lesson study. The paradigm
of teaching in Indonesia can be transformed into a student centered which keeps
the integrity of current students and the curriculum is based on 2013 which is
applied at this time.
b. Teacher Training
The concept of teacher training is
adopted from State policy Germany which requires a teacher must pass the time
teacher training before becoming a professional teacher in school. Teacher training consists of two
phases: university study and student teaching.
1: University Study (Lehramtstudium)
At the university, students pursue
academic studies in their major subjects they will teach and in educational and
social sciences. University training is completed with a comprehensive exit
examination called the First State Examination (Erstes Staatsexamen). Passing
the First State Examination is synonymous with attaining a university degree
and is the prerequisite for entrance into the second phase of teacher training,
directed student teaching.
2: Student Teaching
The second phase of teacher training,
directed student teaching (known as either Vorbereitungsdienst or
Referendarzeit), lasts for 1, 5 - 2 years, during which the student teaches in
a school under the supervision of a mentor and participates in accompanying
seminars on issues related to teaching. Upon completion of student teaching,
the student takes the Second State Examination (Zweites Staatsexamen).
So, to be able to produce a quality
teacher then one must pass through several stages. The first is the completion
of his formal studies with concentrations of teacher education and the second
is the direct teaching process to the students to know the actual conditions
when the learning process and know the needs of the students in the class
c. Highly Qualified Teachers Principle
This principle was used by the
American Government as a strategy to improve the quality of education in
America. The US Government set a policy that in order to become a teacher must
have the qualifications of a teacher who is high. Joel
Springs (2008) states that U.S. Department of Education defines a highly
qualified teacher as:
a bachelor’s degree of higher education in the subject taught.
full state teacher certification.
knowledge in the subjects taught.
elementary school teachers must demonstrate subject matter mastery by passing a
rigorous state test of subject knowledge and teaching skills in reading and
language arts, writing, mathematics, and other areas of the basic elementary
school curriculum.
middle and high school teachers may demonstrate competency by passing a
rigorous state test in each subject taught or by holding an academic major or
course work equivalent to an academic major (or an advanced degree, advanced
certification or credentials.)
teachers (those hired before the start of the 2002-2003 school year) must
demonstrate competency by either meeting the requirements of new teachers or by
meeting state requirements.
No Child Left Behind is a new phase in the history
of U.S. teachers (Spring, 2008). Under this
legislation, the federal government is directly involved in determining the training
and certification of teachers. No Child Left requires that public school
teachers be “highly qualified”. No Child Left is leaving an indelible mark on
state teacher education requirements. It is becoming a federalized system with
U.S. Department of Education approving state plans to meet the criteria of
having qualified teachers.
Surely if
teachers who already have highly qualified quality already no doubt. It will
effect conferring on the quality of education that will increase.
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Puisi "Senja dan Dirinya"
Senja dan Dirinya Senja mulai berganti malam hiruk pikuk suara memenuhi semua penjuru ruangan aku melihat seseorang terdiam memandangku...
Soal-soal persiapan olimpiade farmasi sub materi farmakologi 1. Kadar kolesterol normal sesorang berkisar antara ….. 150-240 mg/dL 2...
1. Perjalanan obat mulai dari saat pemberiannya, absorpsi dari usus, distribusi ke tempat kerjanya, metabolisme hingga proses ekskresi dari...
A. Latar Belakang Masalah Penyakit kulit adalah terganggunya sel-sel kulit maupun infeksi yang disebabkan oleh berbagai macam peny...